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Monday, October 3, 2011

Childs Raspberry Poncho

Ponchos are like sweaters without arms. They cover the whole top of your body and the bottom is open so you can slip it on and off easily. Some patterns require no shaping at all as they are knitted in two pieces (although this pattern is four pieces), that are then stitched together, leaving a hole for the head. Ponchos are great spring and autumn accessories because they keep you warm but allow some air circulation through the bottom of the poncho. They're very stylish too! so why not whip this one up for a child. I’ve just finished this for my neice’s daughter. I chose a raspberry coloured eyelash type yarn which is lovely and warm without being heavy.

GAUGE:  11 sts + 18 rows = 4 inches [10 cm] in Stockinette st (k on RS, p on WS).
12 sts + 16 rows = 4 inches [10 cm] in Mock Granny st. BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR GAUGE.
Size 8mm Needles
Abbreviations used in this pattern
k = knit                k2tog = knit 2 together
p = purl               p2tog = purl 2 together
RS = right side       WS = wrong side
st(s) = stitch(es)    tog = together    yo = yarn over
I used 3 x 100grms eyelash type yarn
PONCHO SECTION – Make 4 Size age 7-8yrs
Cast on  72 sts. Work 4 rows of Scalloped Edge Pattern  (multiple of 18 sts)
 Row 1 (WS) Knit.
Row 2 Knit.
Row 3 Purl.
Row 4 *[K2tog] 3 times, [yo, k 1] 6 times, [k2tog] 3 times; repeat from *.
Note There are 6 increases and 6 decreases per repeat; you will have the same number of sts at the end of this row that you did when you began.
Repeat this pattern 4 times.
 Carry on in Mock Granny Stitch Pattern,  (multiple of 4 sts + 2) as follows:
Row 1 (WS) K2tog, k to last 2 sts, k2tog – 2 sts decreased.
Note: For The first time Row 1 is worked, two extra decreases are needed to accommodate pattern. Work Row 1  first time only as follows: K2tog, k2tog, k to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2tog.
Row 2 Repeat Row 1 – 2 sts decreased.
Row 3 P 1, *p2tog, yo, p2tog; repeat from * to last st, p 1 – 1 st decreased for each repeat.
Row 4 K 1, *k 1, (k 1, p 1) in yo, k 1; repeat from * to last st, k 1 – 1 st increased for each repeat.
Note It is important to keep track of your increases and decreases, which vary from row to row:
Repeat rows 1-4 untill 14 st remain (omitting k2tog begining  and end of row 1 after the first time worked)
 Knit 1 row.
Place remaining 14 sts on a st holder to work later for neck.
Work 4 sections the same
FINISHING: Sew sections together from bottom of Scalloped Edge to neck, leaving 1 of the 4 seams open. Slip all neck sts onto needle.  (56 sts)
Knit every row until neck edging measures 2 inches [5 cm], ending with a WS row. Bind off all sts loosely. Sew last seam.
This pattern is also available in chid sizes age3yrs and 5-6yrs and also adult medium.

Ponchos have been one of the coolest knitted and crocheted accessories for a couple of years now, and it doesn't seem like they are going away any time soon,they are the biggest trend for this autumn and were featured heavily in the New York Fashion week and are included in  atumn and winter collections in most high street store's
Happy Knitting!