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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sweet Lace Baby Dress

This is the sweetest little dress, with a lacy skirt. Its simple and delicate shape will look gorgeous on your favorite little princess it will keep her both warm and fashionable.This adorable baby dress is perfect for parties, holidays, and other special occasions as well casual everyday .

You will Need:
Cotton 4PLY 100g 2 balls
1 pair each 3.25mm (UK 10) (US 3) and 2.75mm (UK 12) (US 2)
Knitting Needles

Size: (shown)
Newborn  - actual size at underarm = 38cm (15ins), Length approx 30cm  (12ins)

NEW SIZES ADDED ( 3mnths, 6mnths, 9mnths, 12mnths, 18mnths.)
actual sizes at underarm :
3 months = 43cm (17ins), length 34cm (13.5ins)
6 months = 49cm (19.5ins), length  38cm (15ins)
9 months = 51cm ( 20 ins), length 43cm ( 17ins)
12 months = 55cm (21.5ins), length 48cm (19ins)
18 months = 58cm (23ins), length  50cm (19.5)

28 sts and 36 rows to 10 cm over stocking st, using 3.25mm needles.
Please check your tension carefully. If less sts use smaller needles,
if more sts use bigger needles.

Using 2.75mm Needles  cast on 71 sts.(81,91,91,101,111)
1st row (right side) - K1, * P1, K1, rep from * to end.
Rep 1st row for moss st 7 times ... 8 rows moss st in all.
Change to 3.25mm Needles and beg lace patt.
1st row (right side) - Knit.
2nd row - Purl.
3rd row - K3, * K2tog, yfwd, K1, yfwd, sl 1 knitways, K1, psso, K5,
rep from * to last 8 sts, K2tog, yfwd, K1, yfwd, sl 1 knitways, K1,
psso, K3.
4th row - Purl.
5th row - Knit.
6th row - Purl.
7th row - K1, * yfwd, sl 1 knitways, K1, psso, K5, K2tog, yfwd, K1,
rep from * to end.
8th row - Purl.
Rows 1 to 8 incl form lace patt.
Cont in lace patt until work measures approx 17 cm (20,23,27,32,33)
from beg, ending with a 4th or 8th patt row.
Next row - K4,(5,6,7,7,1) K2tog, * K2,(2,2,3,2,2,) K2tog, rep from * to last 5 sts,(6,7,7,8,0) K5 (6,7,7,8,0)  ... 55 sts.(63,71,75,79,83)
Next row - Purl.
Change to 2.75mm Needles.
knit 3 rows garter st.
Ribbonhole row (wrong side) - * P2tog, yrn, rep from * to last st, P1.
Knit 2 rows garter st.
Change to 3.25mm Needles. 

work 2 rows stocking st.
Beg yoke patt - 1st row (right side) - K1, * P1, K3, rep from * to last 2 sts, P1, K1.
2nd row - Purl.
3rd row - * K3, P1, rep from * to last 3 sts, K3.
4th row - Purl.
Rows 1 to 4 incl form yoke patt for remainder.

Keeping patt correct
 cast off 2 sts (2,3,3,3,4) at beg of next 2 rows ... 51 sts.(59,65,69,73,75)
Dec one st at each end of next row, then in every foll alt row until 47sts rem. (55,61,63,67,69)
Cont without shaping until armhole measures 5 cm, (6,6,7,7,8cm)
working last row on wrong side. **

Next row - Patt 23, (27,30,31,33,34), turn.
Cont in patt on these 23 sts (27,30,31,33,34) until armhole measures 10 cm, (11,12,13,13,14) working last row on wrong side.

Cast off 4 sts (5,5,6,6,6,) at beg of next row and foll alt row.
Work 1 row.

Cast off 3 sts (4,6,5,7,7,) at beg of next row.
Work 1 row.
Leave rem 12sts (13,14,14,14,15) on a stitch holder. 

With right side facing, join yarn to rem sts, K2tog, patt to end.
Cont in patt on these 23 sts (27,30,31,33,34) until armhole measures 10 cm,(11,12,13,13,14) working last row on wrong side.
Work 1 row.

Cast off 4sts (5,5,6,6,6) at beg of next row and foll alt row.
Work 1 row.

Cast off 3 sts (4,6,5,7,7) at beg of next row.
Leave rem 12 sts (13,14,14,14,15) on a stitch holder.

Work as for Back to **.

Next row - Patt 16, (20,23,24,26,27) turn.
*** Cont on these 16 (20,23,24,26,27) sts.
Dec one st at neck edge in every row until 14 (16,21,22,24,23) sts rem, then in every foll alt row until 11 sts (14,16,17,19,19) rem.
Cont in patt without shaping until armhole measures same as Back to beg of shoulder shaping, ending with same patt row.

Cast off 4 sts (5,5,6,6,6) at beg of next row and foll alt row.
Work 1 row.

Cast off rem 3 sts.(4,6,5,7,7) ***
Slip next 15 sts ( onto a stitch holder and leave.
With right side facing, join yarn to rem sts and patt to end.
Rep from *** to ***, working 1 row more before shoulder

Using 2.75mm Needles  cast on 47 sts (51,55,59,59,63).
Work 8 rows moss st as for lower band of Back.
Change to 3.25mm Needles and beg patt.

work 2 rows stocking st.
Work 2 rows yoke patt as for Back.

Keeping patt correct, cast off 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows  43 sts (47,51,55,55,59).
Dec one st at each end of next row, then in every foll alt row until 21 sts (25,25,33,33,33) rem,

then in every row until 11 sts ( rem.
Cast off.

Join shoulder seams. With right side facing, using 2.75mm
Needles knit across sts from left back stitch holder, knit up 14 sts (14,16,16,16,16) evenly along left side of neck, knit across sts from front stitch holder,

knit up 14 sts (14,16,16,16,16) evenly along right side of neck, then knit across sts from right back stitch holder  67sts (69,75,75,75,77).
Work 7 rows moss st as for lower band of Back.
Cast off in moss st.

With right side facing, using 2.75mm Needles knit up 37 sts (37,43,43,43,43) evenly along back opening and side edges of neckband.
Next row - Knit. Cast off knitways.

Join side and sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves. make 1
buttonloop and attach  to top right side edge of neckband at
back neck opening. Sew on button to correspond with buttonloop. Sew in all ends. Thread
ribbon or cord through ribbonhole at waist, beg and ending at centre front. Draw up and tie in a bow.

Personalise this dress by using the colour of your choice and a special ribbon.