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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Childs Tam - Free Pattern

The Tam o’ Shanter is a Scottish bonnet  originally worn by men but, women have now adopted a form of this hat and it is  known as a “Tam” or a “Tammy.'' The hat is named after the Robbie Burns poem Tam o’ Shanter, written in 1790 which is often illustrated by a character wearing a hat in this style. The hat is usually made of wool and has a pompon ( known as a toorie) in the centre. It is quite a floppy type of hat with the crown sometimes twice the diameter of the head.  Originally they were dyed blue ( the famous “blue bonnets”), owing to the limitation of available dyes nowadays you can find them in every colour imaginable. This is a similar version suitable for a child, i made this in the same eyelash yarn as the poncho in yesterdays post as they are to be worn together by the same child.

Alice’s Tam
Size 5mm needles
Cast on 85 sts and work K1,P1 rib for 6 rows
( as the eyelash yarn is very soft i knit the rib in a double knit yarn in a similar shade)
Work 24 rows stocking stitch  (1 row knit, 1 row purl) and in the first knit row increase 12 sts evenly aross -96st
Decrease row1 *k10,k2tog, rep from *
Decrease row2 *p2tog,p9, rep from*
Decrease row3*k8, k2tog, rep from*
Decrease row4*p2tog,p7, rep from*

Continue to decrease every row, having a stitch less between dec’s until 16sts remain. Cut yarn leaving a long strand and pull through remaining stitches, tighten and sew seam.

Instead of adding a pompon in the centre i decided to add a flower at the side to make it a little more girlie.

The flower is made as follows:
Cast on 4 stitches.
Row 1. Knit front & back of 1st stitch, knit 3 (5sts)
Row 2. Knit front & back of 1st stitch, purl 4 (6sts)
Row 3. Knit front & back of 1st stitch, knit 5 (7sts)
Row 4. Knit front & back of 1st stitch purl 6  (8sts). Cut yarn leaving a 4’’ tail and leave on a spare needle.
Repeat 4 more times but do not cut yarn on last petal

Row 5. Join all petals by knitting across (40 sts)Row 6. Purl 2 together across row (20 sts)
Row 7. Knit 2 together across row (10sts)
Row 8. Purl 2 together, purl 3 together, prul 2 together, purl 3 together

Thread yarn through stitches and pull tight and sew into place. Secure all loose ends.

 Attach the flower to the hat and any little girl will love this Tam.