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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Super Easy Knit Baby Hoodie

You only need 1-2 balls to create this cozy hoodie to keep the new arrival warm. Super-fast to make, and soft as a baby's bottom! Make several, and keep them on hand for baby showers.

Baby soft double knit type yarn  100 g Sizes 6 mos–1 ball; 12 mos–2 balls; 18 mos–2 balls; 24 mos–2 balls
Knitting Needles: Sizes 3.75 mm (U.S. 5) and 4 mm (U.S. 6) or size needed to obtain gauge.
5 buttons.

Gauge: 22 sts and 30 rows = 4 ins 10 cm with larger needles in stocking st.
Chest measurement
6 mos 17 ins 43 cm
12 mos 19 ins 48 cm
18 mos 21 ins 53.5 cm
24 mos 21½ ins 54.5 cm
36 mos 23ins  58.5 cm
4 - 5 yrs 26ins 66cm
Finished chest
6 mos 21 ins 53.5 cm
12 mos 23 ins 58.5 cm
18 mos 25 ins 63.5 cm
24 mos 27 ins 68.5 cm
36 mos 28 ins 71 cm
4-5yrs  30 ins 76 cm

The instructions are written for smallest size. If changes are necessary for larger sizes the instructions will be written thus ( ).
With smaller needles, cast on 52 (58-64-70-76-82) sts. Work 5 rows k2, p2 rib noting first row is WS and inc 5 sts evenly across last row. 57 (63-69-75-82-87) sts.
Change to larger needles and proceed in stocking st  and contine until work from beg measures 6½ (7-7¾-8½ -8.5-9) ins 16.5 (18-19.5-21.5-21.5-22.86) cm, ending with RS facing for next row.
Shape armholes: Cast off 5 (7-8-10-10-12) sts beg next 2 rows. 47 (49-53-55-62-63) sts. Cont even until armhole measures 4½ (5-5¼-5½ -6.5-7) ins 11.5 (12.5-13-14-16.5-17.75) cm, ending with RS facing for next row. Cast off.
With smaller needles, cast on 26 (28-32-34-36-40) sts. Work 5 rows k2, p2 rib, noting first row is WS and inc 2 sts evenly across last row. 28 (30-33-36-38-42) sts.
Change to larger needles work stripe pattern as follows:
work  in stocking stitch 4 rows blue
change to white and work 6 rows
change to blue and work 2 rows
change to white and work 6 rows
change back to blue and then proceed in stocking st until work from beg measures 6½ (7-7¾-8½-8.5-9) ins 16.5 (18-19.5-21.5-21.5-22.86) cm, ending with RS facing for next row.
Shape armhole: Next row: Cast off 5 (7-8-10-10-12) sts. Knit to end of row. 22 (23-25-26-28-30) sts.
Cont even until armhole measures 2½ (3-3¼-3½-4-4.5) ins 6 (7.5-8-9-10-11.45) cm, ending with WS facing for next row.
Neck shaping: Next row: Cast off 6 (6-7-7-7-8) sts. Purl to end of row. 16 (17-18-19-21-22) sts. Dec 1 st at neck edge on next 3 rows then every following alt row to 11 (12-12-13-13-14) sts.
Cont even until work from beg measures same length as Back to shoulders, ending with RS facing for next row. Cast off.
Work from to as given for Left Front. Work to correspond to Left Front, reversing all shapings.
With smaller needles, cast on 36 sts. Work 5 rows k2,p2, rib, noting first row is WS and inc 4 sts evenly across last row. 39 sts.
Change to larger needles and proceed in stocking st, inc 1 st each end of needle on 5th and every following 4th row until there are 51 (55-59-61-61-63) sts.
Cont even until work from beg measures 6 (7½-8-9-10-10) ins 15 (19-20.5-23-25.5-25.5) cm ending with RS facing for next row. Place a marker at each end of last row. Work a further 6 (8-10-12-14-14) rows even. Cast off.

With smaller needles, cast on 94 (94-98-98-98-102) sts. Work 5 rows k2, p2rib, noting first row is WS and inc 6 sts evenly across last row. 99 (99-105-105-105-108) sts.
Change to larger needle and proceed in stocking st, dec 1 st each end of needle on 3rd and following alt rows until there are 75 (75-81-81-81-84) sts.
Cont even until work from beg measures 7 (7¼-7½-8-8-9) ins 18 (18.5-19-20.5-20.5-22.86) cm, ending with RS facing for next row.
Shape back seam: Cast off 7 sts beg next 8 rows. Cast off rem 19 (19-25-25-25-28) sts.
FINISHING: Pin garment pieces to measurements, cover with a damp cloth and allow cloth to dry.

Buttonhole Band: With RS of Right Front facing for Her or Left Front facing for Him and smaller needles, pick up and knit 50 (58-62-66-66-70) sts evenly between neck edge and lower edge. K2,p2 rib 3 rows.
4th row: (RS). P2.* K2tog. yfwd. rib 9 (11-12-13-13-14). Rep from *  3 times more. K2tog. yfwd. rib to end of row.
Rib 2 rows. Cast off in rib (WS).
Button Band: Work as given for Buttonhole Band on Left Front for Her or Right Front for Him, omitting all reference to buttonholes.
Sew shoulder seams. Fold Hood in half at back and sew back seam. Pin and then sew shaped edge of Hood to neck opening, beg at center of button or buttonhole bands and matching back seam of Hood to center back neck edge. Sew in Sleeves placing rows above markers along armhole edges of Fronts and Back to form square armholes. Sew side and sleeve seams. Sew buttons to correspond to buttonholes.

Cute! Of course!

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