Hi there, welcome to my blog! and thankyou for stopping by. I have designed this blog to share with you knitting patterns that are my favourites and, i'll be trying out some new ones along the way. I also hope to help knitters new and old (i don't mean your age LOL) by sharing information, handy hints and tips, answering quieries and helping solve your knitting problems. Before you go, please help me by making a comment and suggest any knitting project you'd like to see.

Thanks again. Have a nice day!


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Think Pink

This is my first blog as part of the Ultimate Blog Challenge - a blog post every day of the month October.

Today is the start of Breast Cancer Awareness month celebrating 25years of Awareness, Education and Empowerment. Over the next four weeks all knitting in my blog will be in pink  to Show support to those suffering from , and in rememberance of those who lost the fight to breast cancer. It’s a sad fact that most of us know someone that is or has been affected by breast cancer. Every year 50,000 people in the UK alone hear the devastating words ‘You have breast cancer.' Please take charge of your own breast health by practicing regular self-breast exams to identify any changes and schedule regular visits and annual mammograms with your healthcare provider. Nobody knows your breast like you do so you are the best person to notice any changes and being breast aware is easy.Just follow the 5 point code: 1.Know what is normal for you. 2.Know what to look and feel for. 3. look and feel. 4.Report anychanges to you GP immediately. 5. Attend routine breast screening if you are aged 50 or over.

The pink ribbon is an international symbol of breast cancer awareness and the colour pink in general, espcially when worn throughout the month of October, expresses moral support for women with breast cancer. When you think of the colour pink most think feminine,it brings to mind mind  traditional feminine roles, of caring for other people, being beautiful,  being good and the pink ribbon it's self represents a fear of breast cancer, hope for the future,the charitable goodness of people and businesses who publicly support the breast cancer movement. It is intended to evoke solidarity with women who currently have breast cancer.The first time a pink ribbon  was used in connection with breast cancer awareness was in  1991, when the Susan G. Komen Foundation handed out pink ribbons to participants in its New York City race for breast cancer survivors. The pink ribbon was adopted as the official symbol of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month the year after, in 1992 and  was derived from the popular red ribbon for AIDS awareness.
 A pink and blue ribbon is sometimes used to symbolise breast cancer in men, which is relatively rare. The pink and blue ribbon was designed in 1996  to bring awareness that "Men Get Breast Cancer Too!"
As i said earlier all knitting featured in my blog during this month will be knitted in the colour pink and apart from sharing with you a variety of knitting patterns hopefully i will give you some ideas you can use on  Wear it Pink day which is  28th October 2011.To wear in honour of those who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.
There are so many beautiful yarns in many many shades of pink on the market and i will using just a few.
Happy knitting! and for this month Think Pink!