Hi there, welcome to my blog! and thankyou for stopping by. I have designed this blog to share with you knitting patterns that are my favourites and, i'll be trying out some new ones along the way. I also hope to help knitters new and old (i don't mean your age LOL) by sharing information, handy hints and tips, answering quieries and helping solve your knitting problems. Before you go, please help me by making a comment and suggest any knitting project you'd like to see.

Thanks again. Have a nice day!


Monday, September 19, 2011

Knit for Lisa's Stars

We continue Knitting for Charity month with another worthy cause Lisa’s Stars.

Lisa's Stars was set up in the Autumn of 2010 to make a difference to those who are unfortunate enough to lose a child prematurely. Their Founder is a lady who has sadly experienced this and felt something was massively missing from the aftercare of those babies and their parents.  Lisa's Stars initially started out as a way to support her local hospital, and her aim was to supply them with tiny blankets, hats and angelwraps so that any baby born too early would be kept warm and wrapped in love. It is heartbreaking that in some ares of the UK these babies are wrapped in nothing but tissue,or left naked.

Within 3 days of starting the group on facebook, Lisa's Stars had a website, a forum to give support to families and nearly a thousand members, not to mention an army of ladies loving knitting and sewing a mountain of angel clothes. They came to realise that the support for her vision and the need for an organisation like hers extended far beyond the need for blankets and hats, and needed to reach more than just the local hospital.

The aim is to not only supply her local hospital with knitwear but to spread them to as many hospitals as they can. The dream is to create memory boxes for those babys and their families so they have their treasured babys keepsakes to keep for all time.
A baby is classed as prematüre if thay are born at less than 37 weeks gestation. 8% of births in the UK occur before 37 weeks and although NICU care has improved in the last 40years, any baby born at 24 weeks or less is sadly not seen as ‘viable’ and many do not survive, leaving some hospitals to struggle to provide clothes small enough. Every hospital is different in regards to their care for these babies and we must never forget that no baby should be left unclothed and must be shown respect no matter what gestation they are born at.  While Lisa’s Stars provides items which are especially aimed to fit tiny babies born 16 to 24 weeks gestation,  are happy to provide clothing for all angels no matter what gestational age they are born at.

Calling All Knitters!
This is where you can help Lisa’ Stars, not only to provide suitable clothing and blankets fot these tiny sleeping angels but to also allow them to rest peacefully with the dignity they deserve and to also give their parents and families comfort in knowing their child is wrapped in love. By knitting  some of the items in the list below:
Angel Pockets
Burial Gowns
Sleeping Sacks
Wraps        You will find all patterns and sizing chart on the web site:http:// www.lisasstars.org.uk
Measurements are used only as a guide as all babies are different and special.
Knitters are given free reign when it comes to what colour to use, but are asked to keep in mind that baies born upto 18 weeks it’s often difficult to determine what sex the babies are so its recommended that whites, creams or pastel yellows, lilacs and greens are used. Of course for babies born over 18 weeks pinks and blues are fine to use. All donations are gratefully received including knitted items / wool / ribbon / baby buttons / tiny teddies /disposable cameras and candles.
Please arrange delivery with your nearest Representative as this helps to keep postage costs to a minimum and as their representatives are there to make contact with their local hospitals and deliver items direct which enables them to provide a personal service. You can find all the information on representatives and hospitals covered on the web site www.lsiasstars.org.uk or any enquiries to Facebook page. http:// www.facebook.com/pages/lisas-stars/159738440713941
If you prefer to donate money which will go towards  postage costs, purchasing of wool and other items, please use the donate button on the left hand menü on the web page.
All donations, however small or grandeur mean so much, as it allows the continuation of providing dignity to all babies, no matter how small as well as peace of mind to their parents through their most devastating time.
If you would prefer to send donations please send them to :
 Lisa's Stars  PO Box 653, Swansea.   SA1 9LL. United Kingdom
Help if you can                                 
Please note an additional mention.
Feathers are hosting a combined rally and Wave of Light this year on the 15th October – Wave of Light Day.
Please have a read of the following and try to go along if you are able to make it.
After a great deal of planning this event is GOING AHEAD !!!!!!!!!!
We will be meeting at 6pm at Trafalgar Square then off to Downing Street for 7pm Wave of Light.
 For anyone that is unable to make the event and would like their angel/angels to be included.
We will be selling lanterns so your angel will be remembered. A picture of these have now been posted on the wall. I have been informed by the powers that be we are not allowed to use an open flame. The Lanterns will cost £3.00 each inc P+P (overseas will need to check)
Your angels name and dates will be added, along with a short message from you and the date, place and time of event.
Before the event we are hoping to hand in a petition to the Prime Minister. If you wish to attend this please contact me.
We also hope to have the national news papers there so please show your support.
Lets light up Downing Street with all our angels.
Please note, if you would like to participate in lighting a candle please contact Feathers direct to make the purchase.