Hi there, welcome to my blog! and thankyou for stopping by. I have designed this blog to share with you knitting patterns that are my favourites and, i'll be trying out some new ones along the way. I also hope to help knitters new and old (i don't mean your age LOL) by sharing information, handy hints and tips, answering quieries and helping solve your knitting problems. Before you go, please help me by making a comment and suggest any knitting project you'd like to see.

Thanks again. Have a nice day!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Knitting to Help Bridge and Beyond

Continuing Charity month with the focus on  Bridge and Beyond dedicated to helping the homeless.

Their mission is to warm cold homeless people in need by providing hand knitted and crocheted items for men and women living outdoors in cold central Ohio (Bridge people), for women and children in desperate circumstance treated in 2 free clinics, abused and or homeless women living in temporary housing through Faith Mission, Men sleeping a night in The Shelter through Faith Mission, Families receiving a hot meal through Holy Family; and Homeless Families (men, women and children) living in temporary housing through The Homeless Families Foundation. Hats, Scarves, Mittens, and Slippers hand knit or crocheted accepted all year long.

The average age of a homeless person Nationally is a 9 year old child. There are many stories of how families become homeless and their struggles. A sad statistic is the children. Children typically fall 2 years behind their counterparts in school. When you don't know if you'll have a roof over your head, a bed to sleep in, or a meal it's awfully hard to focus on learning. The Foundation provides the safety net of a place to live (temporary housing for up to 3 months), they also provide day to day essentials. While counselors work with the adults to provide them with the tools they need to successfully care for their families (jobs and housing), they work with the children; planting the seeds of hope. After school programs, and summer programs provide safe, educational and enrichment programs to help the children reach their potential. Hot meals are provided, along with homework assistance through the Dowd Center.

How can knitters help?

 The most obvious way to help is to knit or crochet hats, scarves, mittens, slippers, and squares patterns are available on the website,                                                      
 below is a list of what is needed:

The Bridge Folks  There are no specific patterns that must be followed for hats, mittens, or scarves.  Please remember the primary focus is men (and some women) living outdoors without a roof over their heads; so light airy objects aren't good.  Colors appropriate for Men and Women (adults), as well as sizes appropriate for adults are needed. Please stick with yarns that need no special care or washing instructions, as the homeless do not have that ability.  Avoid suede yarn. Wool yarn is acceptable but  Please leave a note so they know it's wool. Most useable yarn is acyclic and washable wool.
Avoid the use of white, as it shows dirt too easily

Beyond The Bridge  This means helping beyond those who live under the bridge, reaching out beyond those limits.  For now beyond the bridge means our folks being treated in 2 free clinics.  Though they have a roof over their heads, they are very much in need.  Many have no heat, or very little heat and so wear the warm items (mittens, hats, scarves, slippers) indoors as well as outdoors. Here again think warm, sturdy; non lacy patterns.  Sizing and colors should be appropriate for Women and Teens, and children.  Babies are NOT treated at these clinics. 
Faith Mission Hats, mittens, scarves, and slippers suitable colors and sizes for women.  These folks are living in temporary housing, some have been homeless, some abused; and some suffered both.  They often come with very little and are in need of warm items.  Again a variety of yarns is acceptable (except suede) including washable wool  Please avoid the use of lots of White
Holy Family Hats, mittens, scarves, and slippers for men, women, and children needed.  Holy Family feeds hundreds of hungry cold people in need every single day.  Warm items can be distributed along with a hot meal.  All colors except lots of white and ivory, warm patterns work (no lacy items).  Please again keep in mind warm, washable, sturdy. 
Faith Mission for Men This shelter serves men a night at a time.  They are always in need of warm, sturdy adult sized hats, mittens, and scarves.  If you're looming hats, the largest ring seems to work the best.
The Homeless Families Foundation Men, Women, and Children are cared for.  Temporary housing is providedfor 47 families.  They live in their temporary housing for up to 3 months while receiving support and guidance to locate jobs, permanent housing, care for children after school and other necessary things to get back on their feet.  On going support is provide as they transition into their permanent housing.  Our standard, hats, scarves, mittens, slippers will be provided; as well as afghans through our donated squares.  PLEASE see guidelines for squares regarding size, and months to donate them.  

Knit a Square. Please consider making a square or two with your odds and ends. It's a great way to bust your stash. Squares are accepted during the months of November, December of 2010, January of 2011, July 2011, AND December 2011. The squares will be joined and afghans given to one of 3 charities, based on completed size, color, and need at the time.
Sizes? not smaller than 7 inches and not larger than 10 inche Squares
Colors? Any, except White
Yarn Knitted Worsted Weight Washable Wool
**Remember to work in a tail of at least 5 inches before cutting yarn when you change or add yarn.  Always work in all ENDS, except the last and final tail.  Leave at least a 5 inch tail DO NOT TIE AND CUT IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE KNOT, THAT IS GUARANTEED TO COME UNDONE.  Knot if you want, but leave a tail and work in your ends. **
The afghans assembled from your donated squares will be donated to: Faith Mission, Homeless Families Foundation, and our Friends at Pine Street Inn.
There are other ways you can help too:
Tell everyone you know about the cause.  Tell your friends, neighbors, relatives.

Post the link to  http://homelessbridge.blogspot.com in your emails, and or on your blog.  Add their blog badge to your blog, to your facebook page. Tweet about them.  Print and distribute the flyer found in a tab across the top of the blog.
Buy yarn for someone you know who knits or crochets
Post information in your church bulletin
Socks, store bought socks are needed all year long.  Wet feet are miserable all year long.  
There are many cold hungry homeless in many cities across the country.  Is there a group in your area you can help?  Please help to raise the awareness of this sad problem.

September is Scarf Month, and Bridge  and Beyond  are having a contest.
From now until October 8, they will toss names into a hat for everyone who donates a scarf for a teen or adult...male or female.,and will draw the winning name from the hat and send out another box of yarn. Contests are fun and they have had several fun, productive, and successful contests in the past. Every scarf donated for a teen or adult (at least 5 inches wide and 5 feet or longer please), will qualify.
Contact  sandycrochet@gmail.com with questions regarding how you can help and for  mailing address to mail your donations to. PLEASE include your name, email address with your donation.
Please visit the web site: http://homelessbridge.blogspot.com    there’s lots more information!
 This is a grassroots organization, run completely voluntarily. No paid staff exists and 100% of your donations are hand delivered to those in need. This effort continues 12 months a year. During the warmer months, they're able to stock pile donations to be ready as soon as the cold hits.
Join the Bridge and Beyond and help build a bridge from Homelessness to Hope!
Please Help if You Can
If you would like the free pattern 'Knitting for Charity' please leave your email address in the box at the base of this blog. I promise to respect your privacy and will not pass your email address on.