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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Knitting To Help RSPCA

We contiue knitting for charity month with RSPCA.
When the RSPCA was founded in a London coffee shop back in 1824, the men present knew they were creating the world’s first animal welfare charity, but they couldn’t possibly have imagined the size and shape that the charity would become today. Back then it was the SPCA - Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Royal patronage followed in 1837 and Queen Victoria gave permission to add the royal R in 1840, making it the RSPCA as they’re known  worldwide today.

The RSPCA has always been influential in forming and improving animal welfare law.

In 1822, two years before they were founded, ‘Martin’s Act’ was passed. It was the very first animal welfare law and it forbade ‘the cruel and improper treatment of cattle’. Thirteen years on, in 1835, and ‘Pease’s Act’ consolidated this law. The prohibition of cruelty was extended to dogs and other domestic animals, bear-baiting and cock-fighting was forbidden, and it insisted on better standards for slaughter houses. Other successes along the way have included laws for lab animals, the abolition of fur farming in the UK, and the ban of fox hunting with dogs.

Today they are still changing the law.
The RSPCA as a charity will, by all lawful means, prevent cruelty, promote kindness to and alleviate suffering of all animals. Much of their direct animal welfare work is carried out through branches. These separately registered charities across England and Wales are run by volunteers who are unstinting in their work for animal welfare. RSPCA branches are self-funding and raise money locally to support the animal welfare work they do. Each branch operates at a local level offering advice, microchipping, neutering and subsidised animal treatments, as well as rehabilitating and rehoming animals taken in through their clinics, animal centres, boarding and fostering facilities. Additionally, there are around 215 RSPCA shops.

On average every 30 seconds someone in England and Wales dials 0300 1234 999 - the RSPCA's 24-hour cruelty line - for help. They received more than 1.1 million phone calls during 2010.

They have 278 RSPCA inspectors, 57 trainee inspectors, 82 animal welfare officers (AWOs) and 58 animal collection officers (ACOs) working to prevent cruelty and promote kindness to animals and have a network of 166 RSPCA branches around England and Wales, and work with many animal welfare organisations abroad through an international team. There are four RSPCA animal hospitals and five clinics to treat pets in need of preventative medicine or welfare treatments belonging to members of the public who can’t afford private veterinary fees.  (They also have 37 clinics and 3 mobile clinics run by  branches.)
For information on your local branch  go to the web site www.rspca.org.uk
Some Recent Facts and Figures

During 2010 the RSPCA...
rescued and collected 130,033 animals
treated and helped 211,188 animals in hospitals and clinics, including neutering 79,810 animals
found new homes for 83,268 animals
microchipped 67,388 animals, helping them to stay safe
investigated 159,686 cruelty complaints
secured 2,441 convictions by private prosecution to protect animals against those who break the laws
provided 5,653 meals for animals in their care on Christmas Day

How knitters can help

Their animal centres use towels and blankets as bedding for the animals, and during the cold winter months more supplies are needed to help keep the animals warm and snug. The dogs have plastic beds which they line with towels and blankets to keep them warm. This is especially important at this time of year, so the RSPCA are appealing to kind-hearted knitters to donate any blankets they are able to knit. The Putney Animal Hospital is in particular need of bedding as they are caring for six puppies with parvo virus. All the blankets they use have to be incinerated to prevent spread of the infection. You can take any blankets to your local branch who will be very appreciative of them.
For information on other ways you can help Please browse the pages  of the web site to find a way to support them that suits you www.rspca.org.uk
From endangered whales to fairground goldfish, from pet cats to circus lions,the RSPCA  are on a mission to promote compassion for all creatures and it is their vision to have a world in which all humans respect and live in harmony with members of the animal kingdom.
Please Help!
Without generous supporters there would be no RSPCA. You make the RSPCA what it is!

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