
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Saturday Stitch: Easy Honeycomb Stitch.

Every Saturday I will share with you a new stitch.
Today's stitch is: Easy Honeycomb Stitch.

 It's great for scarves, sweaters, jackets, shawls, afghans, pillows or baby blankets etc. You need a stitch number multiples of 4 stitches. Repeat the pattern between the * as many times as you like.

Instructions :

Row 1:  *  c2b, c2f, repeat from * to end
Rows 2, 4, 6 & 8:  purl across all stitches,
Row 3:  knit across all stitches,
Row 5:  * c2f, c2b, repeat from * to end.
Row 7:  knit across all stitches
Repeat rows 1 through 8.
Stitch Explanation: C2B 2-stitch back cable- slip 1 onto a cable needle and hold in back of work, knit 1, knit 1 from the cable needle.
 C2F 2-stitch front cable -slip 1 onto a cable needle and hold in front of work, knit 1, knit 1 from the cable needle.

Difficulty level: Easy