
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Tagged In A 2 In 1 Award

I was tagged on Friday - World Smile Day, sorry it's taken me a while to reply. A big big thankyou to Diana Lesire Bradmeyer who bestowed on me not 1 but 2 awards! The Sunshine Award and Lovely Blog Award. Please pop across and pay Diana a vist at Home In My Heart it'll be well worth your time - book reviews, beautiful quilt, gluten free and much much more.

Now these awards come with some rules.
  1. I am to publicly thank the people who gave them to me. Which I have just done.
  2. I am to share some information about myself.
  3. I am to nominate some of my favorite blogs.
  4. I am to comment on their blogs to let them know I’ve awarded them.
    The One Lovely Blog award asks me to share 7 facts about myself while the Sunshine Award has some specific questions for me to answer. The Sunshine Award questions will effectively cover the 7 facts about me. (2 in 1)

    • Favorite color: Red! I'm a red through and through
    • Favorite animal: cats, I have 2 cats but I also feed many strays and have a stray cat on my balcony at the moment that has just had 5 kittens – so cute!

    • Favorite number: 9 don't ask me why, but it's the number that always comes to mind first.
    • Favorite drink: COFFEE – don't speak to mu untill I've had my first two cups in the morning :)
    • Facebook or Twitter: I’m on both, but I’m more active on Facebook as I've two pages my knitting and my charity. and
    • Good book or good movie: Good book I love to get lost in a book.
    • Giving or getting gifts: Giving I've always been a better giver than a receiver.
    • My passion: my family- my beautiful grand daughter and my knitting.
    • Favorite day: Everyday! I love every day
    • Favorite flower: Yellow Roses
    Now to spread some blog love. I present each of the following bloggers with both the One Lovely Blog award and the Sunshine Award for inspiring me with wonderstruck moments. In no particular order…
    Brittany Anderson - Yarnology 101
    Cheri deFonony - Cheri's idle chatter
    1 in Four - Domestic Violence project
    Jennifer Crites - There & Back
    Tom and Debi Walter- The Romatic Vineyard

    “Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.”  James Matthew Barrie