
Thursday, September 20, 2012

'Thoughful Thursday' Click For Babies

Click your needles together to knit baby caps and help educate about and prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome!

Click for Babies is a public health initiative that allows knitters and crocheters to support Shaken Baby Syndrome prevention. While some may be aware of Shaken Baby Syndrome and know that shaking a baby is dangerous and harmful, many others have no idea how dreadfully trying a constantly crying baby can be.
Shaken Baby Syndrome is sometimes seen as an act perpetuated by a careless parent who doesn't know better. But just as often it can happen when a loving parent, feeling helpless and despondent over his or her inability to soothe a disconsolate infant, winds up shaking the baby out of despair.
This is where Click for Babies comes in.The purpose of Click for Babies is to raise awareness of a frequent cause of Shaken Baby Syndrome called the Period of Purple Crying. Knitters and crocheters can help by knitting or crocheting a purple baby cap that can be distributed to newborn babies and their parents. These caps not  only remind of the hazards of shaking a baby, but also help to educate parents about normal infant crying.

The Period of Purple Crying.

The fact is that all baby mammals, not just human beings, go through something called a "purple period." During this period, which in human beings lasts from about 2 weeks of age to 3 to 4 months, babies cry more often, especially in the evening. They are also often either resistant to soothing or are not always soothed by the same methods every time.
The good news is that while every baby goes through this period (though some babies cry far more than others during this period), it DOES end. This is especially important to share with new parents, who may feel not only helpless but also as though they have failed.

Raising Awareness through the Click of Needles.

Click for Babies refers to the sound of the clicking of knitting needles, although crocheters are, of course, equally welcome to participate. The Click for Babies website  offers free patterns, guidelines, and places to send caps.
Many states have their own Click for Babies programs for distributing caps to hospitals. For those who live in other states, there is a national Click for Babies office where caps can be sent to.
Click for Babies encourages sharing of the program through social media; they have Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest pages that can be used to spread the word.
Shaken Baby Syndrome is a tragedy that can be easily avoided, so let's all put our needles and hooks together and support the great cause of Click for Babies!
Here is a free knitting pattern to help get you started :

Purple Kitty Hat.

Size: New born
Hat measures 12 inches (30 cm) in diameter; length 5 inches (13 cm) from rim to crown.
Size 4 mm (5 US) needles
DK weight yarn  Lilac and Purple
For nose ,eyes and mouth DK weight yarn black.

21.5 sts= 4 inches (10 cm)
Starting at brim, with Lilac yarn CO 64 sts and work in K2, p2 until brim measures 1 inch (3 cm) from beg.
Then work in St st
6 rows Lilac
6 rows Purple
6 rows Lilac
4 rows Purple

Shape Top Of Hat
Still in Purple  *k2 tog, k7 rep from* to last 2 sts k2tog- 56 st
Next row : Purl
Change to Pink or blue  knit 1 row then purl 1 row
Continuing in stripe sequence as established, shape top and finish:
Row 1 (RS) K 1, *k 4, k2tog; rep from * to last st, k 1 - 47 sts.
Rows 2, 4 and 6 Purl.
Row 3 K 1, *k 3, k2tog; rep from * to last st, k 1 - 38 sts.
Row 5 K 1, *k 2, k2tog; rep from * to last st, k 1 - 29 sts.
Row 7 K 1, *k2tog; rep from * across - 15 sts.
Row 8 *P2tog; rep from * to last st, p 1 - 8 sts.
Cut yarn, leaving a long tail for sewing seam. With large-eyed blunt needle, thread tail through remaining sts on needle. Pull tightly and secure. Sew back seam.

EAR - Make 2
With Lilac yarn, cast on 16 sts. and knit 3 rows. Pass all sts, 1 at a time, over first st. Cut yarn, leaving a long tail. Thread tail through remaining st and pull to tighten.

With Black , cast on 5 sts.
Row 1 Knit.
Rows 2 and 4 Purl.
Row 3 K2tog, k 1, k2tog - 3 sts.
Row 4 Purl.
Row 5 K3tog - 1 st.
Cut yarn, leaving a long tail. Thread tail through remaining st; pull to tighten.

Using photo as a guide, place Ears  and sew to each side of Hat about 2 inch apart. Sew Nose in place, embroider smile, 3 whiskers on each side of Nose, and eyes, using Stem or chain st.