
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Happy Blogday Knitting Galore!

Knitting Galore is 1 year old Today!

Wow what a year!
A year ago today I decided to have a go at blogging, wasn't really sure how to go about it but with a much surfing the net, trial and effort I managed to work out how to open this blogging account. You see I'd just 'retired'  and had all this time on my hands to persue one of my favourite hobbies - knitting. Here in Turkey we have such beautiful yarns but I was struggling to find knitting patterns, and even on the web some of the patterns are a 'lot to be desired'! So hence Knitting Galore was 'born'.
It was a bit slow going at first and I'd little idea on how to 'share' my blog, but, I read everything I could and tried all sorts of things. Eventually I started to get a couple of followers, the 'Ultimate blog challenge' was a big help in that  and I have just completed my third. Anyway to cut a long story short, suddenly in March  this year my blog seemed to take off almost overnight  I went from having 400 page views per month to 49,000 this last month, (212,895 to date) and people are leaving comments too! It's such a thrill to see the number of people who have looked at your work but to actually see that they've left a comment ( even if it's to point out a mistake I've made in the writing of my knitting pattern). To KNOW that someone has actually really read it and is knitting it, is like recieving a gold medal!  I love it! and to see the photo's of their completed item is just amazing!
I've recently had 5 of my patterns featured on a couple of knitting websites such as Knitting on the net, knitting pattern central, all free knitting and knit picky patterns. I've had patterns  voted No 1, top pattern of the week / month and Editor's choice. I have a large following on Ravelry, knitting galore facebook page with 243 fans, knitting galore g+ page with 247 in the circle and a massive 13,241 people subscribe to this blog!
I don't want to bore you with too many statistics but I'm so proud I want share a couple with you.
During this year I've posted 204  blog posts 183 of them actual knitting patterns.
My most popular 5  patterns are : 
1. Knitted Flowers  with 24,880 page views

2. Super Easy Knit Baby Hoodie with 17,496 page views

3. Modern Miss Baby cardigan with 16,279 page views

4. Sweet Lace Baby Dress with  13,972 page views

5. Butterfly Baby Blanket with  12,079 page views

My busiest day was July 28th with 5,400 page views in just 1 day!
 I have followers in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Soth Africa, Ireland, India, Germany, Turkey and many more counties.
 Anyway that's enough of the numbers :) The thing I am most proud of that's come out of all this is the founding of 'Lily' Love in the Language of Yarn our knitting charity. We have accomplished so much in such a short time and I couldn't of done without YOU my wonderful readers and supporters. And last but in no way least I have made some fantastic friends  both fellow bloggers and readers.
So from the bottom of my heart THANKYOU SO MUCH  for making this a VERY memorable year.

Now I'm off to work on some new knitting patterns to share with you for the next year :).

Oh nearly forgot! I will be announcing the winners of the yarn giveaway a little later today.
Watch this space! :) Good Luck !