
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fit For a Princess

Here is a set - shrug, headband and shoes that is indeed fit for a princess. Basic easy to knit items made special by adding knitted flowers with a crystal bead in the center.

You wil need  6 for shrug (or more if you desire) 1 for headband and 1 each shoe = 9 in total

Cast on 4 stitches.
Row 1. Knit front & back of 1st stitch, knit 3 (5sts)
Row 2. Knit front & back of 1st stitch, purl 4 (6sts)
Row 3. Knit front & back of 1st stitch, knit 5 (7sts)
Row 4. Knit front & back of 1st stitch purl 6 (8sts). Cut yarn leaving a 4'' tail and leave on a spare needle.
Repeat 4 more times but do not cut yarn on last petal
Row 5. Join all petals by knitting across (40 sts)
Row 6. Purl 2 together across row (20 sts)
Row 7. Knit 2 together across row (10sts)
Row 8. Purl 2 together, purl 3 together, prul 2 together, purl 3 together
Thread yarn through stitches and pull tight.
Sew into place


To fit ages 3-6(6-9:9-12) months.
Actual measurements
Chest 51(55:60)cm;
Length to shoulder
24(27:29)cm; Sleeve length 13(15:17)cm.
100(150:150)grms double knitting type yarn
5mm straight knitting needles.
5mm circular knitting needle.
4.5mm circular knitting needle.

18 sts and 24 rows to 10cm square over st-st using 5mm needles.
m1 make one st by picking up and working into back of loop lying between st just worked and next st;
skpo slip 1, k1, pass slipped st over;
(worked in one piece)
With 5mm needles cast on 8 sts.
P 1 row.
Beg with a k row, work in st-st.
Cast on 10(11:12) sts at beg of next 4 rows. 48(52:56) sts.
Beg with a k row, work 20(24:26) rows in st-st.
Change to 5mm circular needle.
Shape sleeves
Cast on 5(6:7) sts at beg of next 8 rows. 88(100:112) sts.
Work a further 18(22:24) rows.
Divide for fronts
Next row K36(41:47) sts, leave these sts on a holder.
cast off next 16(18:18) sts, knit to end.
Cont on last set of 36(41:47) sts for left front.
Work 5(5:7) rows straight, ending at front edge.
Next row (RS) K3, m1, knit to end.
Work 3 rows straight.
Rep the last 4 rows 2(3:3) times more and the inc row once more. 40(46:52) sts.
Sleeve shaping
Cast off 5(6:7) sts at beg
of next and 3 foll alt rows. 20(22:24) sts.
Work 8(10:10) rows straight.
Shape front
Next row (RS) K1, skpo, knit to end.
Next row Purl to end.
Rep the last 2 rows 1(2:3) times more.
Next row Cast off 2 sts, knit to end.
Next row Purl to end.
Next row Cast off 3 sts, knit to end.
Next row Purl to end.
Next row Cast off 4 sts, knit to end.
Next row Purl to end.
Next row Cast off 5 sts, knit to end.
Next row Purl to end.
Leave rem 4(5:6) sts on a holder.
Right Front
With WS facing, join yarn to rem 36(41:47) sts on holder, purl to end.
Work 4(4:6) rows straight, ending at side edge.
Next row (RS) Knit to last 3 sts, m1, k3.
Work 3 rows straight.
Rep the last 4 rows 2(3:3) times more and the inc row once more. 40(46:52) sts.
Work 1 row, so ending at sleeve edge.
Sleeve shaping
Cast off 5(6:7) sts at beg of next and 3 foll alt rows. 20(22:24) sts.
Work 7(9:9) rows straight.
Shape front
Next row (RS) Knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1.
Next row Purl to end.
Rep the last 2 rows 1(2:3) times more.
Next row Knit to end.
Next row Cast off 2 sts, purl to end.
Next row Knit to end.
Next row Cast off 3 sts, purl to end.
Next row Knit to end.
Next row Cast off 4 sts, purl to end.
Next row Knit to end.
Next row Cast off 5 sts, purl to end.
Leave rem 4(5:6) sts on a holder.
With RS of lower right front facing and 4.5mm circular needle, k4(5:6) sts from holder, pick up and
k22(24:26) sts evenly round right front to top of shaping, 11(11:13) sts along straight edge, then
16(18:20) sts to shoulder, 24(26:28) sts from back neck, 16(18:20) sts down left front to beg of neck shaping, 11(11:13) sts along straight edge, and k22(24:26) sts evenly round shaped edge, then k4(5:6) sts from holder. 130(142:158) sts.
1st row P2, * k2, p2; rep from * to end.
2nd row K2, * p2, k2; rep from * to end.
Rep the last 2 rows once more and 1st row again.
Cast off in rib.
With RS facing and 4.5mm needles, pick up and k54(58:62) sts along lower edge of back.
Work 5 rows in rib as given for front edging.
Cast off in rib.
With RS facing and 4.5mm needles, pick up and k30(34:42) sts along lower edge of sleeve.
Work 5 rows in rib as given for front edging.
Cast off in rib.
Join side and sleeve seams. Add flowers and beads.


3-6 months (3.5 inches)
6-9 months (4 inches)
9-12 months (4.5 inches)
Small amount of DK yarn
Set of 3.5 mm dpns
Two small buttons
Two beads

1. Cast on 28,( 32, 36) sts
2. Join in the round, being careful not to twist
3. Knit
4. K1, m1, k12,( 14, 16), m1, k2, m1, k12,( 14, 16) m1, k1               32,( 36, 40) stitches
5. Knit
6. K2, m1, k12,( 14, 16), m1, k4, m1, k12,( 14, 16) m1, k2               36,( 40, 44) stitches
7. Knit
8. K3, m1, k12,( 14, 16), m1, k6, m1, k12,( 14, 16) m1, k3               40,( 44, 48) stitches
9. Knit
10. K4, m1, k12,( 14, 16), m1, k8, m1, k12,( 14,16) m1, k4              44,( 48, 52) stitches
11. Knit four rounds even
12. K2tog, k12,( 14, 16) ssk x 4, k2tog x 4, k12,( 14, 16), ssk.         34,( 38, 42) stitches
13. K
14. K12,( 14, 16) ssk x2, k2, k2tog x 2, k12,( 14, 16)                        30,( 34, 38) stitches
15. K8, cast of to last 8 sts, k8
Right shoe:
• Knit across first 8 stitches, putting all the stitches on one needle. Cast on 10 stitches immediately following.
• Knit
Knit to last 2 sts, yo, k2tog
• Knit
• Cast off
Left shoe:
• Knit across first 8 stitches, putting all the stitches on one needle.
• Knit, cast on 10 stitches
• Knit
• Knit to last 2 sts, yo k2tog
• Knit
• Cast off
Sew up bottom seam. Sew in loose ends. Sew on button. Sew on flower and bead in center.


With size 3.75mm needles Cast on 68 ( 72,84) sts
Work 7 (7,9) rows in  knit 3, purl 1 rib
Cast off.