
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Another award! Wow! I am so honoured!
Thankyou To Helen Bogun of Helz Design who has given me this award. If you don't know Helz Design please pop across and have a look, Helen is one very talented graphic designer!

Along with the award come a couple of rules.
First All recipients need to thank the giver which I've just done but have great pleasure in doing so again :) Thankyou so much Helen of Helz Design
Next to tell 7 things about myself - ok here goes!
1. I have a beautiful grand daughter - Gracie and am a very proud Nana!
2. I'm a Brit living in Turkey - really love this country and it's wonderful people.
3. I'm married to Mehmet and we will have been married 7yrs in November this year.
4. Although I love to knit I'm really a cook - am a qualified Home Economist
5. Until recently we had a restraunt here in Kuşadasi where I was the 'Chef' (too much hard work in this heat!)
6.I love reggae music - I once dated a famous reggae artist for a couple of years
7. I am missing my daughter Clare, her husband  and my granddaughter SO MUCH! :( at this moment in time.

And now to pass the award on to 7 bloggers of my choice -
So here it gives me great pleasure to present this Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award to :-
Janet Callaway - The Natural Networker who has been a great source of inspiration since I started this blog
Lisa Marie Selow Author, life coach and modern mystic rebel chick.
Susan Wilson at Ripplespillers where you'll find spiritual healing and lots of humour.
Dot Hurley helping you achieve radiant health naturally.
Paula at Stuff I Tell My Sister  for random life thoughts, good books, music, photos and lots more
Michelle S Hawkins the Wirequeen for beautiful Custom Wire Wrapped Jewelry
Melissa Robinson Navarro  making the world a better place at The Bright Side

Here's to you Sister Bloggers!  Congratulations!