
Thursday, June 21, 2012

'Thoughtful Thursday' Women4women

women4women-knitting4peace is a grass-roots organization dedicated to crafting hope, healing & peace one stitch at a time through non-violent compassionate action. Committed to the well-being of women and children they may never meet; they plant seeds of hope for a future they will never see. Non-violent revolutionaries armed with the power of prayer, crochet hooks & knitting needles, engaged in a compassionate fight for hope, healing, justice and peace for all women and children. No exceptions.
A non-profit organization founded in June 2006. They are a widespread community of knitters, crocheters, and supporters living in communities across the United States and Canada. Creating items individually and in groups called Peace Pods.

 Creating items that are requested wich are personally delivered to women, teens, children, and infants in global areas of conflict, including local neighborhoods and countries around the world. In 2006, when they were founded, they only made Peace Shawls for women. Since then have been asked to expand their work and currently create the following requested items:  
  • Peace Shawls for women
  • Peace Pals (boy & girl dolls) for children
  • Scarves4Peace for children & teens
  • Peace Caps for children & teens
  • Blankets of Peace for families         

How to join in

Women4women-knitting4peace welcome any one and every one interested in crafting peace & justice through non-violent compassionate action. You can join by knitting or crocheting on your own; by doing it with a group of friends or a local Peace Pod; by creating a new Peace Pod; by becoming one of the Delivery Agents; or by supporting with your prayers and financial contributions. They would love to hear from you. Just go to the web site then to "Contact Us" page and send them a message.  

 is dedicated to knitting together the global Beloved Community. Doing their work one person at a time ... one stitch at a time ... one delivery at a time ... one day at a time.
As they knit, crochet, or weave each item, pray for each other; pray for the recipients of the items created; pray for those who deliver the items; and pray for hope, healing and peace throughout our world.
For more information please go and look at their web site women4women-knitting4peace