
Thursday, March 22, 2012

'Thoughtful Thursday' Knitting For A good Cause

Knitting for charity is a wonderful thing. Not only does it allow you to knit more than you'd ever want to for your friends and family, you also get the good feeling that comes with helping other people. Charity knitting is a great group knitting activity. If you have a group of friends who knit (or who would like to start) a group knitting project for charity is a fun way to get everyone excited about knitting. An afghan made of simple squares is great even for beginners and will keep someone warm even if it isn't fancy. Even if you don't know the person who is to receive your homemade article, knowing that it is out there in the world is a great feeling. Many knitters love to share their skills by knitting for charitable organizations. Whether they're making blankets for kids in the hospital, chemo caps, teddy bears or sweaters for kids in far away countries, there are many ways to knit for charity.
photo from knit a square

There are  probably organizations in your town that will need knitted goods for people undergoing  chemo therapy, newborn babies, children in protective custody, children involved in accidents, children in hospitals, veterans in VA hospitals, soldiers, homeless animals, and many others.
You can use a national organization as inspiration or even join a national group that provides charitable knitting by taking  the ideas of a larger knitting charity and focus them where you live

Knitting for someone else who has a greater need than yourself often helps put your problems in perspective. Many knitters enjoy knitting for charity, but if you've never done it before you may not know where to start. You could check with your local yarn shop, your local hospital, or shelters to see if they have a need for warm items.
Here's a list of some organisations that would benefit from your knitting or crocheting:

1. Lily- Love In the Language of Yarn
Need  Squares  to make blankets blankets for Syrian refugees in Turkey.

2. KasCare  Knit a square and
Need squares to make blankets for Aids orphans of South Africa also Slip-Overs, Hats, KASCuddles Jerseys, cardigans, jumpers and baby clothes.

3. Lisas Stars  and
 http:// Need Blankets Hats Booties Cardigans
Angel Pockets Burial Gowns Buntings Sleeping Sacks.
4. Knit with Love  need scarves, beanies, blankets and other knitted items.
5. RSPCA  need blankest for dogs.
6. Loving Hands the elderly:-Hats, Scarves, Mittens, Gloves
Lap Rugs, Blankets, Bed Socks, Jumpers,Cardigans,Bed Jackets,Hot water bottle covers.

7. Strickpate and need Socks, Gloves, Hats, Scarves, Fingerless / arm warmers, Leg warmers for childrenof all ages.

8. Bridge and Beyond  need Hats, mittens, scarves, and slippers for homeless men, women, and children .

Another thing to keep in mind is that the need for garments or knitted items is all year round and not just in the winter time. Shelters and hospitals are often overwhelmed with donations at the holidays, but still need items throughout the year. There are nunerous international organisations who require knitted items and may have a local Office near  you or a collection point not too far away.