
Thursday, February 23, 2012

'Thoughful Thursday' Keeping Cancer Victims Warm With Chemo Caps

Keeping Cancer Victims Warm With Chemo Caps.

Hand-knitted chemotherapy hats are needed to help cancer patients during one of the most difficult parts of their treatment. Many patients face the heart wrenching side effect of chemotherapy - hair loss during treatments meant to help them recover. Not only must these cancer patients face a life-threatening illness, they must also learn to deal with seeing a different person in the mirror. Wearing special chemo caps can help suddenly bald cancer patients feel like themselves again. Hats fend off the cold, as well as unwelcome stares. But, many cancer patients have a hard time finding hats that work. Hats sold at retail stores are often scratchy to bare skin because they are designed to be worn over a full head of hair. Also, standard headgear often fails to cover the entire back of the head, exposing the skin to the cold and making baldness obvious. Worse still: a lot of hats sold at retail stores contain wool, which can be harmful to highly sensitive cancer patients. What these patients need are chemotherapy hats designed just for their situation. Attractive, hand-knitted chemo hats for cancer patients allow them to go out in public feeling less self-conscious or cold. When cancer patients receive handmade chemo caps, they know that someone cares. During a time in a cancer patient's life when everything else seems to be falling apart, your caring can make a world of difference. It is best to use soft yarns, such as those made out of cotton, "Baby" yarns make a good choice for chemotherapy hats, since they tend to be soft and light. Avoid using any yarn that contains wool in your chemo caps, as it can be harmful to some cancer patients. Bright colors are better than somber ones. Wherever you live, somewhere in your community there are cancer patients in need of hand knit chemocaps We encourage each of you to knit one or two or a few chemocaps and donate them to a cancer treatment center in the area where you live. It's neighbors helping neighbors one chemocap at a time and yes it does make a difference!

Here's a free pattern to help get you started

About 20¼" (51.5 cm) in circumference.

size U.S. 8 (5 mm).
Adjust needle size if necessary to
obtain the correct gauge.
18 stitches and 24 rows = 4" (10 cm) in stockinette stitch

Cast on loosely 92sts
Row 1 Knit
Row 2 Purl
Row 3 k1, *yo, k2tog repeat from * to last st k1
Row 4 Knit
Row 5 purl 1 stitch from needle and corresponding stitch from cast on row purl both together to form picot edge see photo

Knit 6 rows in stockinette stitch.
Eyelet row: K1, *yo, k2tog repeat from *to last stitch k1
Next row purl
Continue in stockinette stitch until work measures 14cm from last row of picot edge.

Shape Crown
ROW 1: (RS) *K7, k2tog; rep from * to last st, k1—81 sts rem.
ROW 2: AND ALL WS Rows : Purl.
ROW 3: *K6, k2tog; rep from * to last st, k1—71 sts rem.
ROW 5: *K5, k2tog; rep from * to last st, k1—61 sts rem.
ROW 7: *K4, k2tog; rep from * to last st, k1—51 sts rem.
ROW 9: *K3, k2tog; rep from * to last st, k1—41 sts rem.
ROW 11: *K2, k2tog; rep from * to last st, k1—31 sts rem.
ROW 13: *K1, k2tog; rep from * to last st, k1—21 sts rem.
ROW 15: *K2tog; rep from * to last st, k1—11 sts rem.
Break yarn, thread tail through rem sts, draw
tight to close hole, and fasten off on WS.

Block as desired. Weave in loose ends. With yarn threaded on a tapestry needle, use a backstitch
or mattress st to sew seam make sure seam is soft to avoid rubbing on sensitive skin. Beg and end at
seam, thread ribbon through eyelets, and secure in place with a few stitches using sharp-point sewing needle and matching thread. Trim ends of ribbon as desired.

Make 3 Flowers or more if desired.

Cast on 4 stitches.

Row 1. Knit front & back of 1st stitch, knit 3 (5sts)
Row 2. Knit front & back of 1st stitch, purl 4 (6sts)
Row 3. Knit front & back of 1st stitch, knit 5 (7sts)
Row 4. Knit front & back of 1st stitch purl 6 (8sts). Cut yarn leaving a 4’’ tail and leave on a spare needle.
Repeat 4 more times but do not cut yarn on last petal
Row 5. Join all petals by knitting across (40 sts)
Row 6. Purl 2 together across row (20 sts)
Row 7. Knit 2 together across row (10sts)
Row 8. Purl 2 together, purl 3 together, prul 2 together, purl 3 together
Thread yarn through stitches and pull tight.
You can finish off flowers by adding beads, buttons or anything you wish in the center as shown in photo. All flowers can be made smaller or larger by using finer or thicker yarn and needles.

Arrange on hat as desired and sew into place.

Making caps and brightening the lives of people who are suffering from the ravages of cancer is such a small thing to do, but the results have a big impact on the patients. Why not donate your chemotherapy hats to the patients that need them. Look in your phone book to find hospitals or cancer organizations in your area and give them a call to see if they are accepting cancer hat donations.
You don't need much more than needles, time, and a single ball of yarn. Go to the Chemo Caps website to get all the info you need on patterns, donations, and more.

Also  Launched in memory of Kendall Atkinson, tragically died following a bone marrow transplant for Fanconi anemia on March 14, 2004 at the age of 20.

Also Caps are being knitted for kids with cancer so that they will feel cared about and money is also raised for The American Cancer Society to help find a cure for cancer.

The idea is to warm the heads and soothe the souls of people undergoing the rigors of chemotherapy treatment. Just the fact that people have taken the time to make them caps is great medicine for those who receive them.