
Thursday, October 25, 2012

'Thoughtful Thursday' Warm Winter Project.

The number of children orphaned each day in the world is around 10,000. More than half of the orphans live in the streets where they face many threats and risks. Unfortunately, orphans are kidnapped every day in many parts of the world, they are abused by prostitution gangs, organ mafia, begging networks and missionary institutions. Every orphan who is taken care of means that we will have a brighter future.

A plea from 'Lily' Love In the Language of Yarn!
This weekend I will be visiting an orphanage in Kayseri, Turkey with a group of volunteers. The orphange is home to 140 children at the moment, I will be  taking with me a parcel for each child. I have been busy knitting a 'Lily' Bear for each child, our volunteers have been busy knitting and crocheting and have been wonderful and donated hats, scarves and gloves for each child in the orphanage.
At present there are 5,166 orphans in orphanages throughout Turkey.

Knitters and Crocheters I need your help with our Warm Winter Project!

 We need hats, scarves, gloves, socks, sweaters etc. for orphans and children of low income familes. Age groups are 0-3yrs,  3-6yrs, 7-10yrs and 12-14yrs. Boys and Girls. We have teamed up with several organisations who will also be providing shoes/boots, stationery materials, coal and wood for heating, blankets, stoves, electric heaters, foodstuffs and other winter necessities. To help orphans and impoverished children spend the winter happily and in health.

Can you help?

We will be distributing knitted and crochet items throughout the winter months.
For more information on 'LILY' to can find us on facebook at: over the next couple of weeks we wiil be adding patterns and information so please check in regularly and please 'Like' us so you will receive up dates.

Please Help If You Can!

Here's a free knitting pattern from Patons to help get you started.

  • Patons® Astra (50 g/1.75 oz)
Boy’s Version (all sizes)
  • Main Color (MC):
    • (Blue) 1 (1-1-3) ball(s)
  • Contrast A: (Variegated) 1 (1-1-3) ball(s)
  • Contrast B: (Orange) 1 (1-1-3) ball(s)
Girl’s Version (all sizes)
  • Main Color (MC):
  • (Red) 1 (1-1-3) ball(s)
  • Contrast A: (Variegated) 1 (1-1-3) ball(s)
  • Contrast B: (Yellow) 1 (1-1-3) ball(s)
Knitting Needles:
  • Hat and Scarf: Size 4 mm (U.S. 6) knitting needles or size needed to obtain tension.
  • Mittens: Set of size 4 mm (U.S. 6) double pointed knitting needles or size needed to obtain tension.
  • Scarf: 6 x 46 ins [15 x 117 cm].
  • Hat: To fit child 2/4 yrs (6/10 yrs).
  • Mittens: To fit child 2/4 yrs (6/8 yrs - 10 yrs).
22 sts and 28 rows = 4 ins [10 cm] in stocking st.
Alt = Alternate.
Beg = Beginning.
Cont = Continue(ity).
Dec = Decrease.
Inc = Increase 1 stitch by knitting into front and back of next stitch.
K = Knit.
K2tog = Knit 2 stitches together.
M1 = make one st by picking up horizontal loop lying before next st and knitting into back of loop.
M1P = make one st by picking up horizontal loop lying before next st and purling into back of loop.
P = Purl.
Pat = Pattern.
Psso = Pass slipped stitch over.
Rep = Repeat.
Rem = Remaining.
Rnd(s) = Round(s).
RS = Right side.
Sl1 = Slip next stitch knitwise.
St(s) = Stitch(es).
Tog = Together.
WS = Wrong side.
The instructions are written for smallest size. If changes are necessary for larger size(s) the instructions will be written thus ( ). Numbers for each size are shown in the same color throughout the pattern. When only one number is given in black, it applies to all sizes.

Stripe Pat
With MC work 4 rows.
With A work 4 rows.
With B work 2 rows.
With MC work 2 rows.
With A work 4 rows.
These 16 rows form Stripe Pat.
First Ear Flap
With MC and pair of needles, cast on 10 sts.
1st row: (RS). Knit.
2nd row: P1. M1P. Purl to last st. M1P. P1.
3rd row: K1. M1. Knit to last st. M1. K1.
Rep last 2 rows twice more, then 2nd row once. 24 sts.
Work 12 rows even in stocking st, ending with RS facing for next row. Break yarn. Leave sts on a spare needle.
Second Ear Flap
Work as given for First Ear Flap. Do not break yarn.
Body of Hat: (Joining row). With MC, cast on 8 (9) sts. Knit these 8 (9) sts. K24 across Second Ear Flap. Turn. Cast on 35 (39) sts. Turn. K24 across First Ear Flap. Turn. Cast on 8 (9) sts. 99 (105) sts.
Purl 1 row.
With A, proceed as follows:
1st row: (RS). Purl
2nd and 3rd rows: Knit.
4th row: Purl.
Last 4 rows form Texture Pat.
Beg with 9th row of Stripe Pat, cont in Stripe Pat and rep last 4 rows of Texture Pat 7 times more, dec 2 (0) sts evenly across last row. 97 (105) sts.
Shape top: Keeping cont of Stripe Pat, proceed as follows:
1st row: K1. *K2tog. K10 (11). Rep from * to end of row. 89 (97) sts.
2nd and alt rows: Purl.
3rd row: K1. *K2tog. K9 (10). Rep from * to end of row. 81 (89) sts.
5th row: K1. *K2tog. K8 (9). Rep from * to end of row. 73 (81) sts.
6th row: Purl.
Cont in same manner, dec 8 sts on next and every following alt row 5 (6) times more. 25 sts.
Next row: K1. *K2tog. Rep from * to end of row. 13 sts.
Break yarn leaving a long end. Draw end through rem sts and fasten securely. Sew back seam.
Braid: (make 3).
Cut A, 15 ins [38 cm] long. Take 12 strands tog, fold in half and knot into fringe at end of each earflap and at top of Hat as shown in picture. Braid each Fringe. Knot securely and trim ends evenly.

**With MC and set of four knitting needles, cast on 28 (36-44) sts. Divide sts on 3 needles as follows: 12 (12-16) sts on 1st needle, 8 (12-16) sts on 2nd needle and 8 (12-12) sts on 3rd needle. Join in rnd. Place marker on first st.
Beg with 1st row of Stripe Pat.
Proceed as follows:
1st rnd: *K1. P1. Rep from * around. Rep last rnd of (K1. P1) ribbing for 11/2 (2-2) ins [4 (5-5) cm] and inc 4 sts evenly across last rnd. 32 (40-48) sts.
Keeping cont of Stripe Pat, knit 6 (8-10) rnds.**
Shape thumb gusset: Cont in Stripe Pat, proceed as follows:
1st rnd: K16 (20-24). Inc 1 st in each of next 2 sts. Knit to end of rnd.
2nd and alt rnds: Knit.
3rd rnd: K16 (20-24). Inc 1 st in next st. K2. Inc 1 st in next st. Knit to end of rnd.
5th rnd: K16 (20-24). Inc 1 st in next st. K4. Inc 1 st in next st. Knit to end of rnd.
7th rnd: K16 (20-24). Inc 1 st in next st. K6. Inc 1 st in next st. Knit to end of rnd.
9th rnd: K16 (20-24). Inc 1 st in next st. K8. Inc 1 st in next st. Knit to end of rnd. 42 (50-58) sts.
11th rnd: K28 (32-36). Slip last 12 sts onto a safety pin (thumb opening). Knit to end of rnd.
12th rnd: Knit, casting on 2 sts over slipped sts. 32 (40-48) sts.
***Cont in Stripe Pat, knit in rnds until work from beg measures 6 (7-8) ins [15 (18-20.5) cm].
Rearrange sts as follows: 16 (20-24) sts on 1st needle. 8 (10-12) sts on 2nd needle. 8 (10-12) sts on 3rd needle.
Shape Top: 1st rnd: 1st needle: Sl1. K1. psso. Knit to last 2 sts. K2tog. 2nd needle: Sl1. K1. psso. Knit to end of needle. 3rd needle: Knit to last 2 sts. K2tog.
Dec 4 sts on every rnd, as before, until there are 8 sts. Break yarn, leaving a long end.
Thread end through rem 8 sts. Draw up and fasten securely.
Thumb: With MC, K12 from safety pin.
Pick up and knit 2 sts at base of thumb.
Divide these 14 sts onto 3 needles.
With MC, knit 9 (11-15) rnds.
Next rnd: (K2tog) 7 times.
Next rnd: (K2tog) 3 times. K1.
Break MC leaving a long end. Thread end through rem 4 sts. Draw up and fasten securely.***
Work from ** to ** as given for Right Mitten.
Shape thumb gusset: Cont in Stripe Pat, proceed as follows:
1st rnd: K14 (18-22). Inc 1 st in each of next 2 sts. Knit to end of rnd.
2nd and alt rnds: Knit.
3rd rnd: K14 (18-22). Inc 1 st in next st. K2. Inc 1 st in next st. Knit to end of rnd.
5th rnd: K14 (18-22). Inc 1 st in next st. K4. Inc 1 st in next st. Knit to end of rnd.
7th rnd: K14 (18-22). Inc 1 st in next st. K6. Inc 1 st in next st. Knit to end of rnd.
9th rnd: K14 (18-22). Inc 1 st in next st. K8. Inc 1 st in next st. Knit to end of rnd. 42 (50-58) sts.
11th rnd: K26 (30-34) sts. Slip last 12 sts onto safety pin (thumb opening). Knit to end of rnd.
12th rnd: Knit, casting on 2 sts over slipped sts. 32 (40-48) sts.
Work from *** to *** as given for Right Mitten.
With MC and pair of needles, cast on 33 sts.
1st row: (RS). Purl.
2nd and 3rd rows: Knit.
4th row: Purl.
Last 4 rows form Texture Pat.
First 4 rows of Stripe Pat are complete.
Keeping cont of Stripe Pat, rep last 4 rows of Texture Pat until work from beg measures 46 ins [117 cm], ending with RS facing for next row. Cast off knitwise.
Fringe: Cut A 10 ins [25.5 cm] long. Take 4 strands tog, fold in half and knot into fringe 3/4 inch [2 cm] apart across each end of scarf. Trim fringe evenly.
Colorful Winter Set Pattern